Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Another online tool that my colleagues and I have been trying is the "Moodle." After hearing some Moodle talk in the science office, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and try it out. I attempted to make an online quiz for my Pre-AP Chemistry class. The quiz was only 2 questions and when I tried it in class...well, let's just say it didn't go well! I had a bunch of settings wrong and did not choose question types that worked well with the assessment.
But after asking LOTS of questions, and taking more time to play around with it have been able to use Moodle for my student's reading quizzes, uploading their lab documents and a quiz retake. Now, I can say that Moodle is awesome! It grades your assessments for you with immediate feedback for the students, sends emails to your students to provide feedback for lab documents, tracks all student activity, etc. As I said, I have not explored even close to what Moodle has to offer, but it has been fun learning about it and using it in class.

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